4 Essential Hurricane Season Tips for your PWCs

4 Essential Hurricane Season Tips for your PWCs

Hurricane season and heavy storms pose a significant threat to jet skis and other personal watercraft (PWCs) in Florida and nearby coastal areas, so it's crucial to take proactive steps to protect your watercraft. Many people ask us how they can keep their personal watercraft safe during the storm season after their floating PWC port is installed. The following includes 4 Tips to better protect your PWCs during the hurricane season.

  1. Removing your PWC from the port is the first and most effective measure of protection. Load it on to a trailer, store it securely in a garage or similar area or transport it to a location away from the storm's path. This helps prevent damage from high winds, flying debris, and flooding, ensuring that your PWC remains safe and intact during the hurricane.
  2. Utilize the functionality and attractiveness of Florida Dock's High Water Poles, available in 2 sizes rising 16in or 32in above the dock surface or seawall mounting location allowing for PWC ports to float higher with water levels raising above the mounting surface further protecting your investments. Contact Florida Docks for details.
  3. If relocating your PWC isn't feasible, ratchet-strapping it securely to the floating PWC port may be an effective alternative. Use high-quality ratchet straps to tightly fasten your PWC to the port, minimizing movement that could cause damage. Additionally, tie the port off to the dock with plenty of slack to keep it attached to your property, should the water rise beyond your fixed mounting location. This precaution is essential to counteract storm surge, which can be unpredictable during a hurricane.
  4. Lastly, ensure that your insurance coverage is current and comprehensive. Review your policy to confirm it includes protection against hurricane-related damage. Having up-to-date insurance provides peace of mind and financial protection in case of any unforeseen damage to your jet ski, PWC, or port.

This is not a comprehensive list, nor do any of these suggestions guarantee that your watercraft will be completely safe. We encourage you to do your research and decide which is the best option for you and your watercraft in the event of a storm. Contact Florida Docks if your floating PWC port takes damage or becomes disconnected during a severe weather event.

Unfortunately, the unpredictable nature of hurricane damage generally doesn't provide 100% guaranteed preparative solutions for any assets left in a hurricane's path. Please free to use these tips for measures to better protect your PWC assets.

5th Sep 2024 Emily

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